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Monday, August 17, 2009

Blog #9: Following Up Part 1

Yesterday on the 16th of August, I went to my first Cubs game. All my life I have wanted to visit this baseball landmark, as I am not a fan of the Cubs, but a fan of baseball. Last year about this time, I made a trip to New York with my mom specifically to see the Mets and Yankee Stadiums before they closed. The Yankees game we were scheduled to see got rained out and they played a double header the next day. Today however, we would not be so lucky. The game was rained out and the make up game will not be until late September. As you can imagine, I, as the rest of my family, was very disappointed. I tell you this because I will not have my normal posting as scheduled for Monday and Thursday. I wanted this week’s blog to be special to follow up the last few, but I simply haven’t had the time to spend to write a quality posting. After last week’s blog, I got a response from a high school varsity coach asking follow up questions to the mind- blowing tales of my junior college career. This coach read my mind, asking pretty much the same questions that I was going to answer. Please stay tuned until Thursday so I can fully delve into these questions that I have been pondering over since this comment, and pretty much for the last four years. Here is what the varsity head coach said…

Hi Justin, 

Just wanted to let you know that I've been reading your blog and am extremely intrigued with what you have been writing. I am currently a Head Varsity Baseball Coach and have surprisingly found different areas of agreement among your blogs. Even though I have disagreed with some of what you have posted, I admire your aspiration and confidence towards one day becoming a successful baseball coach at some level. Before I ask my questions, I need to send one piece of advice your way: Don't bite the hand that fed you! I did not like the way you verbally bashed your ex-high school coach. Even though everything you said regarding that coach was probably very evident, you should of found a better way to describe your insight towards his coaching abilities and discipline. But I do acknowledge and appreciate your blog where you apologized if your words towards your ex-coach were misconstrued. 
Once again, I enjoy reading your blogs and look forward to hearing your suggestions and different philosophies regarding the rigorous game of baseball. 

#1. Looking back on the situation that occurred at the hotel that day, what do you feel bad about the most?

#2. Do you feel like you disrespected the game of baseball by ripping up your jersey and writing on it?(I only say that because that probably upset your head coach more than that assistant and your head coach sounded like he played no significant role in your ultimate meltdown)

#3. Now that you would like to be a high-end coach, I would like you to answer this question as if you are already that coach:
Do you think your coach should have benched you the day you were two minutes late? (I only ask this because while reading that blog, I got the impression that you were making excuses to why you were late. If you do become a successful coach one day, you'll quickly learn that there is absolutely no room for excuses) 

#4. Did you ever talk to those friends from the hotel room again? If so, did you feel the need to apologize? Did you even feel any remorse for acting out the way you did towards your "friends"?
Look forward to your upcoming blogs and good luck on your future endeavors. 

Coach Garcia

**In the coming weeks, I am changing my blog to a different site so I can include videos and a discussion forum for everyone to start getting more involve in discussing the mental aspects of baseball. I am also going to be putting together an email list to remind everyone when each blog is posted. I will let everyone know when this change will occur.

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